Saturday 17 May 2008

Abervan Film

Chris Morris, working with photographer Shimon Atti document the artistic processes of addressing the trauma that has plagued the Welsh village for decades. Shimon's works in the post-traumatic site looking to re-present the tragedy with images of the contemporary populous. The photography creates the perplexity between time standing still and time moving forward. The time in the place has stood still, dwelling on its trauma. Shimon is trying to move the attitude forward from its black and white archive of pictoral memory by extracting the villagers from the village, allowing for the imagining of possible villages and their infinite histories and futures. 
The film captures the landscape beautifully, allowing it to speak for the changing experience intended in the artistic process. The treatment of the subjects is involved, exhibiting the grief of the population with sincere investigation and delicate manner. This truly presents the survivor status of the community, expertly distributing emotion without patronization. 

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